The use of "genocide" and "war crimes" as focal point examples is a strong choice, and the phenomenon has spread to myriad other terms as well. It is now common to refer to right-wingers as "Nazi", even though Hitler was his own brand of Socialist (National Socialist German Workers' Party). Republicans are now "Fascist", even though they call for LESS government intervention while fascism by definition is a centralized autocracy.

We also hear elected officials like Rashida Tlaib et. al. refer to Israel as an "Apartheid" state. Do she and her supporters even know what Apartheid actually was, when a 20% white population had government control over South Africa and oppressed the 80% black and mixed race population? (Israel, by contrast, accepts people of all faiths and allows Arab Israelis to serve in government positions and the Knesset; Palestinians are mostly self governed, despite the fact that many are intent on destroying Israel. Is Israel perfect? No, but Apartheid? Please.)

It's become so pervasive that there are no baseline standards for communication anymore, and the impact of these labels has deteriorated. This (as you said regarding actual survivors of genocide) minimizes the impact of those who can truly be defined by such words, lessening their actions down to equal status with those who are mislabeled to push an agenda, while it simultaneously causes further damages to those who are their legitimate victims.

Great post Philip. ZL

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"despite there being no indication of any intent to eradicate the Palestinian people"

This is a lie. Israel's actions shows its goal is to wipe the native people of palestine off the map. One can deduce this due to the lack of planning to address the 56-year illegal occupation of millions of native people. instead of ending the occupation, which israel could do any day it wishes since the native people of palestine pose zero threat to the nation of israel; instead israel's defacto policy is ethnic cleansing and genocide. yes, the occupation of millions of native palestinians is illegal under international law. israel's actions against an occupied people are war crimes partly becuase the occupation of native Palestinians is illegal under intl law. Hama's crimes were wrong as well. but hamas actions represent a crime issue only and are a byproduct of israels illegal occupation. hamas actions pose no threat to the nation of israel.

"IDF’s attack on Hamas".

this representation is another lie. IDF is attacking innocent natives. did you know israel financed the creation of hamas? hamas actually serves the interests of israel extremists. when the extremists on both sides set the agenda civilians and peace are always the victims. in this case its only israel that holds any cards, thus israel is responsible for all outcomes.

"paint Israel as an outlaw nation"

israel is an outlaw nation. what israel is doing is illegal under intl law. Israel's actions are 100% unnecessary and optional. israel refuses to end its illegal occupation of native Palestinians in violation of intl law.

pro israel supporters are victims of a decades long carefully crafted well financed PR and lobby campaign. the modern state of israel is just another US cold war experiement gone wrong. when the US started we also had a big problem: slavery. israels similar problem is the occupation. instead of freeing the slaves , like the US did, israels goal is ethnic cleasing and genoaicde. This is the truth.

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While I can only partially agree, I do appreciate your use of the phrase "ethnic cleansing," since it's applicable in many more situations than genocide.

I would describe what's going on in the West Bank right now as ethnic cleansing, as performed by groups of Israeli extremists. And there is certainly a possibility that those same extremists will attempt to annex northern Gaza after the bombs stop falling. The war in '48 isn't over, since the ideology of expansion still exists. And I wish Israel was doing more to curtail their extremists' ambitions.

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germany was also a democracy when it started ww2. in the US we tend to think democracies are safer due to shared decision making and gov power via many different gov structures. but this broad gov structure also makes stopping a war more difficult. wheras a king can end a war with a single command, democratic gov mechanisms make changes in policy nearly impossible. israelis belive their own propaganda. the israel public is brainwashed and also have ptsd. the most similar group are trans rights activists who belive "trans" people are a threatened group when the truth is they are the safest and most privileged group. so, im not counting on anything sensible from anyone in israel.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Philip O'Reilly

I think you're painting Israeli society with a very broad brush, as I've seen much more diversity of thought than you're indicating. You could probably gain accuracy by including fewer bold pronouncements in your writing.

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so what? im certain germany in the 1930s had a wide variety of differing views as well. israel dishonestly and cynically pretends they have differing views. the reality is while they pitch fairy dust and rainbows they're performing an illegal genocide. im certain the pre civil war south had great parties. zionism and gender ideology are practically the same with their means, methods, sales pitches. everything. both harm marginalized groups to benefit white males who are not marginalized but pretend to be. it may sound like im blaming Israelis. like supporters of gender ideology, they are also victims of decades of propaganda. so is the american public.

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"You know what else they're responsible for? Astroturf!"

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and here comes the claims israelis are getting unfairly blamed. no their not. israel could end the illegal occupation of millions of native people tomarrow. palestinians pose zero threat to them. instead they are chosing to enact ethnic cleansing and genocide. i guess decades of US cold war propaganda has led them to this place. its certainly obvious that placing the modern state of israel in its current location has turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes the US has ever made. but its also true that israel is a failed state that cant solve its most fundamental issue: the occupation. it never made any good faith offer to end the occupation. its addicted to a fascist genocide. all 8 billions ppl on the planel can plaintly see that. certainly what israel is doing harms jewish ppl worldwide, harms US and western intrests world wide, which is the main reason i care. how does the US make any principled stance anywhere in the world when it created and maintained the disaster called israel

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