Jun 29Liked by Philip O'Reilly

My family and I don’t see eye to eye on this conflict. Your analysis organizes the argument and puts it in a way that makes sense. I just wish I had come across it last week when we got together and butted heads about it-again! 🫤. I don’t support war, but there is a time for it, to right the wrongs. I believe that if Hamas is not rendered completely incapable of conducting another attack, then the war would be lost. It’s uncanny how evil works. Very sad.

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Very True Chantal. We do not live in a world in which turning the other cheek works in all situations. Sometimes we are forced to chose the lesser of two evils.

Thanks for reading.

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In your alleged mind the whole shebang began on 10/7, never mind that Israel has been killing Palestinians to steal their land for 75 years.

Let’s look down our noses at college kids for the less than scholarly idealism and let’s steeple our fingers and make intelligent-sounding noises about Just War and try to pass off muddy thinking as nuance.

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Weak rhetoric in an article about weak thinking.

You’d love an America free of Marxism. Living in corporate barracks working 18 hour days for 2400 calories of crop residues and pink slime. This is a business, not a charity.

You’re a jerk.

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> You’d love an America free of Marxism. Living in corporate barracks working 18 hour days for 2400 calories of crop residues and pink slime.

Funny that's much closer to a description of life in Marxist countries than anything that's ever happened under capitalism.

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One caveat Eugine: Former Soviet economist Igor Birman estimates Soviet citizens ate 43% of what Americans ate so you're probably going to have to do it on 1032 calories. It was only 300 per day in the gulags.


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