The Incompetence… well.

You cannot demoralize, investigate, jail, doxx, defame, ruin and sue the people who defend you and expect them to give it literally their all. Never mind throwing them to the wolves as has long been practice and policy. In truth every cop and agent involved will basically quit on the job or go find another.

The truth is we’re a culture of denunciation and criticism, but not taking risks or responsibility personally.

While you’re paying attention, you may want to check out the ROE, Rules of Engagement and their paralyzing effect. There was no legally safe shot until the threat fired.

I did my 20+ in the army and I’m done. I quite understand what I’m talking about. We’re all done actually, including the poor saps still standing there…

What you need to know is the denunciations worked - you’re on your own. Here’s your big chance to show how it’s done right- don’t worry if it’s wrong, because you’ll be dead.

Congratulations; all the criticism worked. Everyone made a difference- truly a team effort.

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“physical fitness requirements and not surprisingly, the standards for women are lower than those for men. “

The army and military tests, and probably the USSS, and probably your local emergency services tests have been public for decades. The Army physical fitness tests are markedly lower for females on upper body strength and cardiovascular, that is to say run time.

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“passing the buck. “

You have a lot to learn about government.

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Jul 19Liked by Philip O'Reilly

See Naomi Wolf interview with her husband Spec Ops Brian O’Shea here on substack.

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Probably easy to say a good bit of incompetence (on the part of the law enforcement, SS, et.) AND malice, on the part of the shooter. Those two things likely aligned in just such a way on this particular occasion. The notes on the media coverage really resonated with me, as I too, realized I had been watching an hour or two of speculation with little new information. Also, the conspiracies- I think you can certainly rule out "staged" but not rule out "inside job" as of yet. I am not a conspiracy first type, either. Anyhow, great breakdown. Hope you are doing well, Philip!

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Thanks for the reply Judson. As more information comes out the level of incompetence on the part of the SS becomes more and more astonishing.

Hope you're well too.

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