Thanks for going down this rabbit hole. At least you have the mental fortitude to realize that CBDC'S are something worthwhile to investigate what is relevant about that.

So, where were you about two years ago? Nonetheless, be afraid. Be extremely afraid.

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Yeah, thats what happens when pedophiles and perverted rich fuckers are in charge. Enjoy the show.

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May 3Liked by Philip O'Reilly

I honestly am way too sceptical about government abuses. If we haven't learned "if you give them an inch, they take a mile" yet, I don't think we ever will. I'm from the US, and I remember after 9/11 the expansion of three letter agencies, and reading how eventually they would turn on us, not just look for "terrorists". Boy have they! The Canadian Truckers debacle was a good example. Perhaps I'm too sceptical, but I really feel the cons outweigh the pros. Thanks for an excellent article!

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Thanks for the response Jen. I tried to lay out a balanced look at CDBDs but as wrote it became clear to me that this is a very bad idea and would provide the government too much power. People are too trusting.

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May 3Liked by Philip O'Reilly

By time most people are familiar enough with CBDCs to understand the risks, it will already be too late. Most people don't care or think about money as a concept, and if the talking heads on TV say that a CBDC will be a good thing, they'll happily go cashless.

Articles like this are absolutely necessary, thanks for putting it together.

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Or a little too late in the game. I'd say.

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Thanks for the comment Daniel. The amount of research I did was not enough to make me an expert but it was enough for me to determine that the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages.

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Apr 30Liked by Philip O'Reilly

Outstanding summary. Very well written!

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Thanks Jake. I appreciate it.

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